How to Make Remote Work

We’ll leverage our decades of remote experience  to show you how to take full advantage  of hybrid or fully-remote workplaces. 

Remote employees told us that too many meetings are the #1 cause of workplace fatigue.

As a manager of a remote workforce, you split your time between meetings to get your team on the right page and monitoring your team’s productivity.

Our 2023 study showed that even with collaboration tools available, there are simply too many team and 1:1 meetings.

Could that meeting be replaced by a group chat?  And if you do meet, is that meeting effective?

We have the training, consulting and managed services to help you quickly transform how your team works – and meets.

The Power of Remote — Amazon Bestseller by Cynthia Watson & Shane Spraggs

The Power of Remote

With the increased demand for hybrid and fully remote work styles, most firms understand that some form of distance work is here to stay — and have put some remote protocols in place. But are they the right ones? This book will help you to:

  • Build high-functioning, accountable cross-functional teams.
  • Make every meeting productive (and get rid of ones that aren’t).
  • Promote collaboration methods that ensure buy-in, engagement and better results.
  • Seamlessly manage projects that stay on track and on budget.
  • Hire, train, and onboard top-notch employees who can excel over a distance.

It’s time to take advantage of the many opportunities remote work presents. Stop saying “we’re not there yet,” and start saying “we’ve arrived!”


A comprehensive analysis with
customized solutions

Remote Readiness Assessment


Identify strengths and address gaps in your remote or hybrid work infrastructure, foster seamless collaboration, enhance employee satisfaction, and drive increased efficiency for a thriving distributed workforce.

  • Health assessment: understanding how your company currently operates is the first step to making improvements.
  • Identify improvements from operational gaps to missing skills and habits
  • Actionable and prioritized steps tailored to your business’s unique needs.

A one hour assessment with us is the first step to transforming your staff into cohesive, informed, and productive teams.

Remote Team Enablement


We apply innovative project management techniques to our years of remote work experience to help organizations increase operational performance and reduce the friction of virtual and hybrid work.

  • Insightful project and team management practices to keep your staff on target at all levels, from team leaders to the specialists
  • Proven organizational techniques for meeting notes and dashboarding to improve synchronization
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities in your cross-functional teams

We’ve been working in and around some of the best, most complex organizations for decades and have spent years developing the systems and practices needed to succeed.

For us, remote is old news.

At Virtira, we’ve spent over a decade managing remote teams. As a remote organization ourselves, we know first-hand how to maximize performance in teams who don’t share an office.

2023 Webcam Study

Following up on our 2021 study to measure meeting effectiveness during the pandemic, this year’s study collected insights from 1,489 employees working in numerous industries and fields of expertise.

  • Fatigue: how meetings are draining employees’ motivation.
  • Frequency: changes in meeting frequency pre and post pandemic
  • Impact: who is feeling the strain.
  • Recommendations: how to address this  in your workplace.

The Project One Sheet

Missed expectations account for the lion’s share of failed projects, but unfortunately, getting expectations wrong is easy. At Virtira we developed a solution to get everyone on the same page. With our worksheet, you’ll be outlining:

  • What the scope of your project is
  • Why you are doing this project now
  • Who will be working on your project
  • When your project is expected to conclude
  • How you can measure project success upon completion
What Our Clients Say

“I would not be able to move deals forward as rapidly without the organization and methodology that Virtira provides.”

Enterprise Account Manager

Fortune 500 Enterprise
What Our Clients Say

“I would not be able to move deals forward as rapidly without the organization and methodology that Virtira provides.”

Enterprise Account Manager

Fortune 500 Enterprise

At Virtira, we embrace work-life balance like no other employer.

We trust our staff to work productively from their location of choice. No matter where you are, if you’re ready to help world-class businesses be more productive, we want to hear from you.

If you have fast, reliable internet, you can work anywhere.

How to work from home and actually get sh_t done

Your home office is calling​

If your office has shifted to your home, it can be hard to stay focused. The distractions are endless, too many meetings, drop in productivity.

Unlock the secrets to working virtually. Learn how to communicate virtually with impact and authority, be fierce in your quest for accountability across business projects, and attain that coveted work-life balance.

Supercharge Your Growth

The hybrid workplace is here. Are you ready?